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Ferrite Content Measurement

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The use of acid-resistant steel, particularly clad acid-resistant steel, presents various technological and metallurgical challenges. When welding homogeneous austenitic acid-resistant steel with clad steel, where the substrate has a ferritic-pearlitic structure, there is a mixing of the acid-resistant filler material (with an austenitic structure) and the low-carbon filler material (with a ferritic-pearlitic structure).

The chosen technology and selection of welding materials should ensure that the weld has a ferrite content within the range of 2-8% for manual welding and up to 10% for automatic welding.

To measure the percentage of ferrite content in ferritic welds, the MP 30 device is commonly used. Calibration is done using a factory standard provided by the manufacturer, along with certification. Ferrite content control should be performed before conducting radiological inspection of the joint.

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